
For construction businesses, financial management is notoriously complex. Contractors have to deal with the ebbs and flows of their respective markets, 基于项目的定价和收藏, rising operating costs and various other factors — not the least of which is bad weather!

Yet effective financial management is essential for a company to thrive. 这里有一些业主可以更好地管理他们的钱的方法.



Healthy cash flow — one of the most important aspects of financial management — depends on a business’s ability to both meet contractual obligations and receive timely payments. 为此目的, establishing a standard billing schedule for every job will make managing accounts less complicated and help keep track of monthly revenue.

起草合同时, clearly include payment amounts and when they’re due — and document penalties for late payments. Equally important is the need to clearly outline a process for change order approvals and invoicing that allows billing for additional work as soon as possible. Diligently follow the billing schedule as projects or project phases are completed.

帮助确保及时付款, 企业主还应该确保发票设计得很好, 详细并包括任何必要的工作证明文档. 在这个时代, it is also essential for a business to offer electronic payment options to make paying quicker and easier. Last, be sure to set up automated reminders to regularly follow up on unpaid invoices.


Effective financial management also depends largely on how cost-efficiently business owners procure, 储存和使用建筑材料. Implement strategies to optimize all three of these actions while minimizing waste.

首先认真研究一下与材料相关的数据是如何被捕获的, 跨项目组织和共享. 企业是否有一个集中的系统来做这件事? Has the owner set up processes for tracking losses and proactively addressing how to prevent theft, 错误和管理不善? 只要有合适的系统和技术支持, 业主可以尽量减少过度和不必要的材料支出.

从那里,一定要解决材料的及时交付. Supply chain slowdowns or disruptions aren’t in the news as much anymore, 但对许多承包商来说,它们仍然是一个挑战.

Some construction companies maintain inventories of critical and long-lead items to ensure they’ll have the necessary 材料 as jobs come up. But doing so entails paying for storage facilities and investing time and resources into inventory management. Another strategy is to diversify the business’ supplier base and include alternative local suppliers who can deliver 材料 of similar type and quality.


几乎所有的企业都需要面对这个棘手的问题:调整“他们的劳动力和有竞争力的薪酬. 建设 companies have the added challenge of doing all this in the midst of a seemingly never-ending skilled labor shortage.

One thing that can help is quantifying the business’ labor needs as precisely as possible. Determine how many workers are needed to complete each typical job task or how many are needed to work on each phase of the types of projects the business usually performs. 很明显, the owner will need historical data to make such determinations and set up a system for capturing this information on an ongoing basis.

薪酬、福利和税收也是主要因素. 事实上, knowing a business’ true labor costs — often referred to as labor burden rate — is a mission-critical financial-management activity for construction businesses.


Using up-to-date and secure financial management software and mobile devices tailored to the construction industry can help streamline financial activities related to estimating, 分批成本计算, 工资单和发票. 正确的技术资产组合可以帮助:

  • 自动计算和处理;
  • 创造更准确的估计,
  • Track a variety of costs and accurately allocate them to projects, and
  • Generate the necessary documentation for your records, as well as for financial reporting.

一如既往地, 然而, selecting the right tech tools for a construction business’s distinctive needs and comfort level is the hard part. A business should choose purchases and upgrades carefully — always with the goal of improving the clarity of its finances and the owner’s control of them.


管理现金流, 材料, labor and technology costs for a hardworking construction company may seem as difficult as laying a solid foundation on unstable soil. But with the right personnel, policies, procedures and computing tools in place, it can be done. 老葡京手机app is happy to help review your construction company’s approach to financial management and target areas for improvement.

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